
Monday, August 4, 2008

On DVD in the U.K.: Tropical Malady

Apichatpong Weerasethakul's award-winning 2004 film, Tropical Malady, will be released on DVD in the U.K. on August 11.

The disc is from Second Run, and it's packed with extras, including the first-time DVD release of Thirdworld, Apichatpong's 1998 short film. There's also a new interview with the director, and the digital transfer has been approved by the director. There is a new and improved English subtitle translation, and the dual-layer disc also features a stills gallery and storyboard sequence. Plus, there's a booklet with an essay by film historian Tony Rayns.

How about that cover? Okay, now that I look at it again, I see where they're going with that.

DVD Beaver has an advance look at the disc, and says there is no appreciable difference between the picture on Mangpong's Thai release and Second Run's. The edge goes to Second Run for its English-friendly menu (Mangpong does have English subs, but the menus are in Thai) and the generous extras.

I wonder why Beaver does not have a comparison of Strand Releasing's Malady? However, Strand also has a "transfer supervised by the director", so perhaps it's the same. Strand's has a commentary track by Chuck Stephens. So I guess the completist will need to have both Strand and Second Run.

Second Run also released Blissfully Yours, and it's their version that Apichatpong links to off of his own website. A comparison between Second Run's Blissfully and Strand Releasing's, as well as the censored Thai version and the French-subtitled Anna Sanders' release can be found on DVD Beaver as well. He gives an edge to the Sanders version as far as picture quality. But there's no English subs. I suppose the Strand version has a edge because of the interview track with Chuck Stephens and Apichatpong. But Second Run has some nice features too. Again, I guess I'd want them both, if I were being a completist and had unlimited shelf space and resources.

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(Via DVD Times)


  1. On Strand's Blissfully Yours, the Chuck Stevens 'commentary' is actually a full-length interview between Stevens and Apichatpong, in English.


  2. Thanks Mat. I'll update the post with that detail.

  3. I don't have Strand's Tropical Malady DVD, but I believe that the Chuck Stephens commentary on that disc is also a Stephens/Apichatpong interview.


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