I have a couple of things to say about comments on this blog.
First, a few readers have e-mailed me saying they made comments on the blog, but their comments never appeared. It thought it was pretty odd, because I hadn't seen their comments in my moderation queue, and I do moderate all comments.
Then yesterday Bangkok Pundit posted about problems with comments on that blog. So it might be a glitch with Google's Blogger service. BP suggests you compose your comment on Notepad or a similar program and then copy-paste your words into the comment box.
Or, you can e-mail me your comments and I'll post them or make note of them in an update.
Second, I am generally starting to view anonymous comments with disdain, especially the comments that say no more than "this film sucks", which don't really benefit anyone. If the anonymous commentators can go into detail as to why they think the film sucks, that would be a big help and make for more interesting reading.
As always, if you have a general comment about the blog or Thai cinema, or want to give me a news tip, you can e-mail me at the address shown in the right sidebar. There is also my FAQs, which answer a lot of questions about this blog and why I'm doing what I'm doing, about Thai films and about Thai films on DVD, which answers questions about "where can I get this film with English subtitles?" - another frequent anonymous comment.
Interesting that their haven't been any comments yet (at the point of writing). I guess maybe you just haven't moderated them yet.
ReplyDeleteIn relation to the billboard, which is what I initially thought the post would be about, I think it's brilliant. I'd like to think that the decision to use 'censorship' as a motif is a comment on censorship in Thailand today, specifically in the media but also more generally with the debate on lèse majesté. One can only hope. Furthermore I can't read Thai and it's always possible that the tagline up the top might ruin the ad.